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Hello! I'm Victoria Timms (aka Brill Photography)

I live in the beautiful hilltop village of Brill, Buckinghamshire (hence the business name) which sparked my passion for photography. You may have seen that I am a keen weather watcher, and often have my landscape photos shown on the BBC news. In 2014 I took the plunge of taking photos for others and started Brill Photography.


I have 2 children, who are growing up far too fast, so I realise how precious it is to capture moments before they are gone!


I graduated in 2003 from the University of Central Lancashire with a BA (hons) in Creative Advertising, where taking a photography elective sparked a passion!  I currently also work part-time job as a Reprographics & Communications Manager for a large secondary school  where I take photos for their website and publications.

Please do get in touch if you have any questions.

Contact Me


If you are trying to decide if I’m the right photographer for you, then hopefully these few things about me and my business might help you decide!

1. I value my customers… I spend time getting the photos people deserve - I want to create happy memories & cherished moments that will be looked back upon fondly and hopefully framed on a wall for many years to come! I love working with families and that is why so many of them come back to me time again.

2. I’m a mum… of 2 myself, so I have the patience that comes with that! It means I understand children and can get the best out of them. I also know how it feels as a parent when your toddler decides to throw the biggest tantrum they have ever had right in the middle of the shoot! My children are now teenagers, so I appreciate how hard it can be to get a good family photo!

3. I make it fun… I know for some people the prospect of a having their photo taken is a daunting one, so I ensure that my shoots are as relaxed and fun as possible. 

4. I make it easy… I know that kids have a short attention span or that you don't want to spend hours away from your wedding guests having formal photos taken, so I work quickly to ensure that I have captured a great set of images. You also don't have to attend a viewing afterwards; instead you will have an private online gallery to view at your leisure and share with family & friends. And my pricing is upfront and straightforward so it doesn’t take you hours to work out how much you will be spending!

5. My style… one of the main reasons to choose a photographer is their style and whether it’s right for you. My style can be described as candid and natural, I like to capture you just being you, in a beautiful setting or the comfort of your own home. I also know how to get the best out of children and so I get them to show me (and my camera) their real personalities.

6. They're YOUR photos... I offer clients digital images so that they can print, use or share them as much as they like. The photos are yours to have and I want families to keep them all rather than be limited to just buying a few (expensive) prints.

7. I take care of your images... every single photo presented to you is carefully and individually edited - I take my time to edit your photos to make sure they're perfect before you see them.

8. Finally, I love what I do... It's such an joy to capture special moments for other people; it's not just a job for me, it's a real honour and privilege to be able to do what I do.

“Photography for me is not looking, it’s feeling. If you can’t feel what you’re looking at, then you’re never going to get others to feel anything when they look at your pictures.”

— Don McCullin

© Copyright Victoria Timms


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